Mission statement
Education and technology are irreplaceable for sophisticated countries with few natural resources like Germany. Innovation keeps the economy going, creates high incomes and improves the quality of life. But how? The Federal Government expects periodical up-to-date responses from experts. On 23 August 2006 it was decided to establish the scientific Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI).
According to the law of appointment the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation is responsible for:
1. Combining the interdisciplinary discourse with regard to innovation research of economic and social sciences, economics of education, engineering and natural sciences and the engineering perspective and
2. Scientific policy advice in:
a) Presentation and analysis of structures, trends, performances and perspectives of the German research and innovation system in a temporal and international comparison.
b) Assessment of high priority questions of the German research and innovation system.
c) Development of possible actions, and action recommendations, for the development of the German research and innovation system.
The Commission of Experts published their first report on the topics mentioned above in February 2008. Further reports follow in February/March of every year.
In former years, the Technological Performance Report was a sophisticated and detailed reporting system for the German innovation policy makers. The Expert Commission's work is based on this. It continues the systematic development of indicator systems for the analysis and description of innovation processes and, based on that, reports on the developments in the German innovation system. In addition, key issues of high relevance for the economy and society are discussed. Based on these analyses, options for action on innovation policy are presented and discussed.
A hundred years ago, Germany set worldwide scientific standards for higher education, scientific research, industrial product development and technological performance. The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation aims to take up to this leading role. It is time to set new standards for the assessment of progress and challenges in research and education, and to apply it on judging the standing of modern Germany in Europe and in the world.