Public tenders by the Expert Commission for Research and Innovation

As part of its work and in fulfilling the tasks assigned to it, the EFI awards research contracts in the form of indicator and focus studies every year.

Like all contracts, the EFI awards these services in strict compliance with the requirements of EU primary law, EU secondary law, GWB Part 4, VgV, UvgO and VOF as well as federal budget law.

Contracts are awarded to competent, efficient and reliable (suitable) providers at reasonable prices in competition and through transparent procurement procedures. No provider is discriminated against.

Public tenders are also listed on the federal platform (

There are currently no external contracts to be awarded.

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Commission of Experts for

Research and Innovation (EFI)

The Office


Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin

T: +49 (0)30 322 982 564 
